Boss Woman of The Month
Wow! What a surprise to wake up to this morning!

Our Founder, Mindy Louu has been named "Boss Woman Of The Month" by Bowo Creative. What a pleasant surprise and a huge boost of motivation! We must be doing something right!
"Starting with no business background and creating First Class Beauty Co was a massive leap of faith and a huge learning curve for me. It was time that I started something of my own, but to be honest, I had no idea where to start.
Pushing myself with 12 hour workdays, seven days a week doing online courses, rigorous studying, trying new things, and turning every "mistake" into a positive lesson learned- I am finally proud of myself for the first time in a long time.
Thank you, Bowo Creative, for naming me "Boss Woman of the month." It's things like this that give an inspirational kick when I need it the most and reminds me to keep going and look back at how far I've come.
Thank you to everyone that had helped me along the way and believed in me when at times, I didn't believe in myself. This year has been a rough one, to say the least, and I wouldn't have been able to do this without you.
A reminder to everyone that it's never too late to start. Find out what you are passionate about and make it happen. I promise you; it's something you'll never look back and regret. The "I did it" feeling is worth every second of stress, discouragement, and hard work that you will experience along the way.
So worth it that I'm doing it again.
I'm happy that I've been working hard on my second venture Owl Yours Decor and aiming for a launch date in early April. "
- Mindy Louu
A big thank you to all of our customers; you are complete First Class Babes and give us so much motivation to bring you the best products, customer service, and everything you deserve in a Cosmetics Company.
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